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    About Me - The Full Scoop

    If there’s one thing you have to know about me, it’s that I don’t quit.


    No matter the challenges are thrown at me, I’ve always been the kind of person to just. keep. trying.


    The second thing you should know about me is that I value freedom. The freedom to work on what I love is near and dear to my heart. And that is where this story starts…


    In the beginning… 🗾🏍️⚙️


    My professional journey began as a mechanical engineer straight out of University. As an analytical mind, it would seem as though I was made for this career path. Getting offers from legendary automobile companies like Mitsubishi and Kawasaki helped boost my confidence that I was on the right path.


    The job offers came with perks, and also some drawbacks. I had to learn Japanese and move to Japan full time. While learning Japanese and Japanese culture was cool, I couldn’t help but feel like I didn’t belong. Nevertheless, I couldn’t put my finger on it and simply continued my Japanese studies to take the job. 


    Then something happened… to everyone on Earth.


    Then there was COVID… 😷 🦠 💉


    Because of the pandemic, my dream job offer was rescinded. I couldn’t get to Japan and begin my dream career even after spending months learning Japanese.


    The pandemic forced me to stay home in India which did two things:

    1. It allowed me to be free from the chains of “school and career” work for the first time in my life.
    2. It helped me realize that working a job was not going to help me reach the level of wealth and freedom that I am looking for. Not even my dream job at Mitsubishi could do that.

    So if I wasn’t going to go to Japan and pursue my career, what in the world was I going to do?


    I did what any sane 20-something-year-old would do! – I started an online business 🙂


    Open for Business… 🕴️💸🤝


    Being forced to quickly figure out a way to make money online is a liberating process. Yes, it’s hella stressful at first. But it is a “make or break” moment for people, and it was certainly not going to break me.


    I started a marketing agency called Jugaad Crew. We specialized in digital marketing, performance marketing, and social media growth.


    By the time JC started, I had already been studying various algorithms for months – talking to the movers and shakers for each platform and trying to figure out what correlated between them and what actions they have taken to skyrocket their growth.


    The results were stunning, and I was able to land my first high-paying clients in no time.


    “Great!” – right?…. Nope!


    Things went south quickly… 🙃😅😥


    If you’ve ever worked for or ran an agency, you know what happened next.

    I got a client that was just big enough to entice me to work on things, and small enough to expect the world, the moon, and Mars exploration from me.


    But… being one to never back away from a challenge, I took it head-on.

    The client was looking to grow on LinkedIn. At the time, LinkedIn was an oft-forgotten ugly cousin of Facebook and Twitter… more like a place where your mid-life crisis uncle would pretentiously boast about his career choices and multiple degrees that net him a nice 5 figure income every year. 🙄


    Things have changed on LinkedIn since then, mostly due to the pandemic enabling many entrepreneurs at heart to now start following their dreams. And I am one of them.


    Armed with years of experience building and deciphering engines… I started deciphering the LinkedIn algorithm and building a system on how to give any profile (new or old) a competitive edge.


    Trying to get results for this VIP client kept me glued to LinkedIn 24/7 until I finally did it. I was able to take an unknown profile mainstream and discovered a valuable system in the process.


    Calm after the storm… ✨ ☀️ 🔥


    While working my LinkedIn magic, I came across some very interesting opportunities. One of them was working with Sessions, an early-stage Zoom alternative that was looking to capitalize on the pandemic to grow their business. 


    This was my introduction to the world of launching SaaS and getting traction for SaaS projects. Needless to say, I absolutely fell in love with this process.


    I had built a great relationship with the Sessions founders, and they asked me to help them with their Product Hunt launch. I employed all of the marketing techniques I had learned throughout the previous year. 


    The result? We nailed it!



    We got product of the day on Product Hunt… but the sweetest part of this win was that Zoom (yes, that Zoom) also launched a new feature on Product Hunt the same day… and we beat them.


    This, of course, got many people’s attention. Namely, one guy whom I had been following for a long time, Udit Goenka – founder and CEO at PitchGround.


    On a new level… 🚀 📈 💪


    If I was Leonardo DaVinci… PitchGround would be my first blank canvas.


    I have been following PitchGround since it was born in 2018 and have been fascinated by the growth rate and the strategies implemented to facilitate that growth.


    Not only is PitchGround a group of talented marketers and entrepreneurs… It is also a place where SaaS founders can get initial traction for their projects through the concept of a Lifetime Deal. 


    Being that I love innovative marketing techniques and helping SaaS founders grow, I decided to bug Udit until he let me join the team. What I didn’t know was that it wasn’t Udit whom I needed to impress… It was Oscar, the other co-founder at PitchGround whom I would ultimately work closely and form a strong mentorship bond with as well.


    Working at PitchGround has been a blast. 


    From the long hours (like any bootstrapped startup) to the crazy deadlines, it was a daily challenge that kept on rewarding me.


    Embracing Challenges and Making Moves 🚀


    Ah, life – a journey filled with twists, turns, and plot twists that would make even the best storytellers envious. Let’s dive back into my tale, shall we? 📚


    As I mentioned before, we shared a knack for setting high goals. And oh boy, did I prove that true by becoming the Head of Partnerships at PitchGround! Remember that Black Friday frenzy in 2022? Yeah, I orchestrated the launch of 45 mind-blowing SaaS products for the featured section in a mere 15 days. Talk about a rollercoaster ride!


    But you know, life’s more thrilling when it’s unexpected. So, after basking in the glory of that achievement, I did what anyone fueled by ambition would do – I set my sights higher. My new mission? Bringing in a whopping 20 SaaS products per month, shattering our former record of 5 per month.


    “Challenge accepted!” you think?


    You bet your virtual hat it was!


    Now, December and January typically spell dry sales, much like the Sahara of the SaaS world. But did I let that stop me?


    Absolutely not! In January alone, amidst a global recession and disappearing companies (much like certain situations we’ve encountered), I secured a staggering 16 SaaS deals. And yes, I did use my superpowers for the greater good, I promise!


    📈 First Quarter of 2023: The Rise and the Unexpected Fall


    With an average of more than 13 SaaS/month, I was on fire, lighting up the SaaS world. But, alas, life’s plot twists are inevitable.


    The unexpected challenges brought about by certain circumstances, coupled with financial strains, led to a turbulent period. It felt like trying to hit a bullseye blindfolded – sure, you might hit the target, but the chances are you’ll knock over a lamp and break a vase in the process.


    By May, it became apparent that the path ahead wasn’t aligned with my goals and values. Cue dramatic exit music – I took the leap and parted ways.


    🎓 The Classroom of Entrepreneurship: Lessons Learned


    Despite the storm, every day was a lesson, and I met entrepreneurs as talented as you, yes, you reading this right now.


    It was like a crash course in entrepreneurship, but instead of textbooks, we had unpredictable challenges to navigate.


    Mentorship, leadership, and the true essence of entrepreneurship – these were my takeaways. The journey inspired me to pay it forward. Helping others achieve their dreams became my mission.


    And, oh boy, did I learn some lessons from the trenches of SaaS growth. It was like the Wild West, but instead of showdowns at noon, it was showdowns at team meetings.


    🚀 Launching DopeSaaS: Tools, Tips, and Laughter


    Now, armed with experience, I present to you my brainchild – RankAtom. A SaaS product for keyword research because who has time to wander aimlessly in the SEO wilderness?


    Click your imaginary mouse here to explore RankAtom – it’s like a treasure map for SEO enthusiasts.


    It’s not just any SaaS, it’s DopeSaaS. Think of it as the cool kid in the digital playground.


    New Adventures in the SaaS Ecosystem: TryHumanize and Cirl


    But, hey, I won’t stop there. We’ve got TryHumanize, the superhero of SEO, bulk-creating search-intent relevant articles. It’s like having a content wizard who’s allergic to writer’s block.


    Picture a cape on TryHumanize, flying through the internet, crafting SEO-rich content.


    And with Cirl, you may easily resolve security issues on your website with a single click. With the most potent and user-friendly all-in-one website security tool in the world, you can instantly safeguard and clean your websites against malicious content and security flaws.


    It’s like having a virtual guard who never takes a coffee break or asks for a raise… and never dozes off.


    Hold on to your virtual hats because more products are joining the DopeSaaS ecosystem. I’ll be building them in public, so you get a front-row seat to the SaaS circus.


    Imagine popcorn here. You’re in for a show!

    I Write About Three Key Topics...

    In the ever-evolving digital landscape, my focus zeroes in on the trifecta of entrepreneurial success:

    SaaS Building and Growth Hacking

    Demystifying the journey from SaaS concept to market success, I share the insider hacks and strategies that have catapulted startups into the spotlight.

    Digital Agency Growth Hacking

    With tactics that cut through the noise, I explore how digital agencies can scale rapidly and sustainably in a competitive online arena.

    Personal Branding Growth Hacking

    Personal brand isn’t just a buzzword; it’s your digital footprint. I break down the steps to crafting an online persona that resonates and influences.

    Taking the Leap for Freedom...

    Freedom isn’t just about having the choice to work on what you love; it’s about creating the life you’ve envisioned. I’m here to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. With hard-earned insights from my own journey, I guide and mentor you through the thickets of uncertainty to the clearings of achievement.


    Whether it’s building a SaaS platform, scaling your digital agency, or establishing your personal brand, I provide the map and compass for your expedition. The path to freedom is rugged, but it’s traversable—with the right mindset, tools, and a guide who’s navigated it firsthand.


    Let’s venture into the territory of opportunity and make your vision of freedom a tangible reality. Your story of success is waiting to be written—let’s start the first chapter together.

    Every Great Journey Begins with a Snack...

    Embark on your expedition to freedom and success with a little sustenance for the road. “Growth Snack” isn’t just a newsletter; it’s the first bite of knowledge, the spark for your entrepreneurial spirit. It’s where insights meet action, and where today’s learning becomes tomorrow’s leverage.


    With each issue, we serve up hearty, actionable strategies to fuel your ascent in SaaS, amplify your digital agency’s reach, or carve out your distinctive personal brand. Consider “Growth Snack” your trail mix of wisdom — packed with the essential flavors of innovation, experience, and results.


    Ready to take the first step? Your journey to freedom, growth, and market dominance begins here. Let’s set the stage for your story of triumph — one snack at a time.
